
Not for profit?

Not for profit organizations have many things to track.  They also need a good web site.

Bob has extensive experience working with not for profit organizations, both as a consultant and as a board member.


Do you have the power to make changes in your organization?

  • Improve processes.
  • Bring in new customers.
  • Make measurable progress towards business goals.


Bob has experience in many industries.  Whether you are just starting out, or an experienced consultant there are probably ways you can run your operation more efficiently.

Business Owner?

Business owners have real problems to solve and many things to worry about.

Your web site and internet marketing can be more important than your physical location these days.

Bob can deliver solutions which:

  • Get you new clients.
  • Improve your business processes.
  • Track business critical information and use it in meaningful ways.
  • Figure out where time and money is being wasted.

The solutions Bob delivers often pay for themselves quickly, and many times over.

IT Consultant?

Bob works with many IT consultants providing them with back-end support.

Do your clients have web and email hosting needs?  Do you want a seamless process where everything just works?

Do you want to be able to offer custom database solutions to clients?

Are there services your clients needs that you are not able to provide?

It is valuable to have a resource to contact when you run into an issue that you can't solve.

Graphic Designer?

Bob works with many graphic designers providing them with the technical knowledge to deliver modern web sites.

If you have design skill but need assistance implementing a quality web site for your clients, look no further.

A "static" site just doesn't cut it anymore and there are numerous things that need to be done to every site, even if you can build most of it yourself.

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